Tableau Vizualization

Md Khalid Siddiqui
2 min readJul 1, 2020

Putting here my first analysis on Tableau Desktop.

Data Source :

Questions attempted to answer by this Viz:

  1. How is the situation of overall parking spaces by

a) Owned/leased,

b) Property type

c) Within each property type how is owned and leased,

d) Building status

e) Building State, city

2. Status of excess parking in the building category across states of the US.

3. Number of decommissioned buildings city, state wise.

4. For which property type is the parking space is in excess.

5. Where is more active parking in owned/leased categories.

6. Distribution of parking across cities based on type of property.

7. Cities with Building spaces with zero parking.

Final Dashboard with key metrics

Final Dashboard Appearance

Other workbooks in the Viz highlighting different questions

The above work is replication of youtube tutorial by Abhishek Agarwal. This is an attempt to get familiarized with functioning of Tableau to enhance my learning.

Tableau Online link to this visualisation:

